10 Blogging Tips for Beginners That Will Make Your Blog Successful

10 Blogging Tips for Beginners That Will Make Your Blog Successful

Here, I am going to write about the most useful blogging tips for beginners. writing your first blog post can be challenging you, and that’s why you need to read this entire article.  In this article, you’ll learn how to write your first blog post on your own style. I’ll be sharing my 10 Blogging tips to help you write your first blog post. 

      So you want to write your first blog post? But don’t know how to start the First blog Post?

                                             So let’s get started top blogging tips! 

                   If you are passionate about something then below are the top 10 Blogging Tips

Blogging Tips #1: Decide Some Area of Interest

  • Decide what to write If you have never written a blog post earlier, the first challenge is to decide what you’ll write about. 
  • Pick something you are passionate about and already love reading, talking, or listening about.
  •  If you are passionate about something, you'll love writing about that as well.

Blogging Tips #2: Get Good Subject or Knowledge About the topic

    • Have Subjective Knowledge Before you start writing about any particular topic, you need to have prior subjective knowledge about that topic.
    • If you already know about that topic, that’s perfect, if not, go and read other blogs, magazine articles, books, anything you can get information from.
    • Do your research and once you have collected the information, start writing.

    Blogging Tips #3: HeadLine or Tile of Article

    • Write Headline First 7 out of 20 people will read the headline and only 13 out of them will read the content. 
    • So always start with a catchy headline that attracts the reader's attention. If your headline is not attractive, no one will read your article. 
    • Also, writing the headline of your blog post first makes sure you don’t go away from the topic. 

    Blogging Tips #4: Be Simple before Writing the Article

    • Start Writing Most people spend hours, days, or even weeks to write their first article, why? It’s because writing for the first time can be fearful and lots of negative thoughts come to the mind. But you don’t need to overthink, simply get yourself out of any fear and start writing.

    Blogging Tips #5: Write Perfect Article and Find Readers Pulse

    • Make Article Skimmable Proceed with proper content that readers will love. A good piece of content is between 670 words to 1470words, anything less than 670 words is bad for SEO perspective and more than 1500 words is annoying to readers. So break them in small paragraphs and make the article skimmable so that readers don’t find it boring. 

    Blogging Tips #6:Writing Article-style

    •  Be Yourself When you are starting to write your first blog post, it’s easy to get attracted to other successful writers and copy their writing style. But don’t try to copy anyone’s own style. Write in your own style, be yourself because your writing style is your brand. 

    Blogging Tips #7: If a reader in place of you

    • You and I Rule While writing contents, always think as if you are talking directly to the reader and the reader is sitting before you. This makes your article interactive and you'll be talking directly to your reader. Use (You and I) throughout your article.

    Blogging Tips #8: Attractive Images

    • Use Attractive Images Use images in your blog posts because “Images do the talking” and sometimes they do the explanations in a much better way than what your thousands of words can’t do. So use images in your blog post to make it more beautiful and professional as well. 

    Blogging Tips #9: Don’t be one of those writers

    • Formatting Tips If you ever visited those boring websites from the 90s era, you must have noticed how tough it is to read those articles as the writer didn’t format the articles for better readability. 
    • Don’t be one of those writers. 
    • Use proper writing formats and consider: using bullet points to make it simple and catchy, bold letters to emphasize, headlines categories such as h1, h2, h3 etc.
    • whenever required Proper formatting is crucial as it makes a good impression and provides a better reading experience. 

    Blogging Tips #10: What a reader should do after reading your blog post?

    • End with Call to Action What a reader should do after reading your blog post? Don’t keep them hanging in the middle, let them know what to do next.
    • Always end up with a call to action. 
    • A call to action can be anything depending upon your preferences but not more than one. 
    • End up your blog post motivating your readers to do something like asking their views about the topic, asking a question, or simply a request to share your blog post. 

    Conclusion :

    So these were the top 10 Blogging tips to write your first blog post for Beginners. Hope you’ll learn from these tips and will be able to write your first blog post. If you enjoyed reading this article. please share with someone who you think might get benefited from this Article. 

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